7: Setup Mode: Channel Configuration
Table 7-3. Flow Control Options
Flow Control Option Hex
No flow control 00
XON/XOFF flow control 01
Hardware handshake with RTS/CTS lines 02
XON/XOFF pass characters to host 05
Port Number The setting represents the source port number in TCP connections. It is the number
that identifies the channel for remote initiating connections.
Port No (10001) ? _
The default setting for Port 1 is 10001. The range is 1-65535, except for the following
reserved port numbers:
Table 7-4. Reserved Port Numbers
Port Numbers Reserved for
1 – 1024 Reserved (well known ports)
9999 Telnet setup
14000-14009 Reserved for Redirector
30704 Reserved (77F0h)
30718 Reserved (77FEh)
Warning: We recommend that you not use the reserved port numbers
for this setting as incorrect operation may result.
Use Port 0 for the outgoing local port to change with each connection. The port range
is 50,000-59,999. Each subsequent connection increments the number by 1 (it wraps
back around to 50,000).
Only use this automatic port increment feature to initiate a connection using TCP. Set
the port to a non-zero value when the unit is in a passive mode or when using UDP
instead of TCP.
Connect Mode Connect Mode defines how the unit makes a connection, and how it reacts to
incoming connections over the network.
ConnectMode (C0) ? _
Enter Connect Mode options in hexadecimal notation. The default setting is C0.
Note: All bit positions in the table that are blank represent “don’t care” bits for
that particular option, which can be set to either a 0 or 1 value.
UDS2100 User Guide 44