Important: Read the license agreements carefully before using the programson
this computer.These agreements detail your rights, obligations, and warranties
for the software on this computer.By using these programs, you accept the
terms of the agreements. If you do not accept the agreements, do not use the
programs. Instead, promptly return the entirecomputer for a full refund.
The first time you start your computer,follow the instructions on the screen to
complete the software installation. If you do not complete the software
installation the first time the computer is turned on, unpredictable results
might occur.When the installation is complete, refer to the Access Help online
help system to learn more about your computer.See “Access Help” on page 26
for instructions on how to open the online help system.
Note: Some models might have a multilingual version of Microsoft®Windows®
operating system preinstalled. If your computer has the multilingual version,
you will be prompted to choose a language during the installation process.
After installation, the language version can be changed through the Windows
Control Panel.
Completing important tasksAfter you have set up your computer,record your computer machine type,
model, and serial number.If you need service or technical support, you will
probably be asked for this information.
Shutting down the computerWhen you turn off your computer,always follow the shutdown procedure for
your operating system. This prevents the loss of unsaved data or damage to
your software programs.
vToshut down the Microsoft Windows Vista®operating system, open the
Start menu from the Windowsdesktop, move the cursor to the arrow next
to the lock workstation button, and select Shut Down.
vToshut down the Microsoft Windows XP operating system, open the Start
menu from the Windowsdesktop, click Shut down. Select Shut down from
the drop-down list box and click OK.
Chapter3. Setting up your computer 23