Announcing Lexmark X854e MFP |
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Part Numbers and Pricing |
Product | Part Number | UPC | MSRP* | MAP** |
Lexmark X854e MFP
$16,999.00 $16,999.00
*Manufacturer’s Suggested Resale Price (MSRP): This price is Lexmark’s Manufacturer’s Suggested Resale Price and is subject to change without notice. This price is for information purposes only. Lexmark’s and our remarketers’ prices may vary.
**Applies to accounts covered by the Lexmark MAP policy.
Product Highlights
The Lexmark X854e is a robust departmental monochrome MFP
Customizable color touch screen for
•Provides access to copy, fax, scan and
•Tips are available throughout the user interface for immediate assistance for MFP functions
•Color scanning capability
The Lexmark X854e contains several standard and optional features and functions that improve or enhance the security of the device. See User Guide for more information.
Available MFP Security Features
•Apply an administrative password to restrict unauthorized users from making changes to the MFP configuration.
•Activate internal user authentication so users are required to confirm prior to performing sensitive operations such as
•Disable the Driver to Fax option.
•Disable all unneeded protocols and network communication paths by which the MFP can be configured.
•The MFP touch screen lock function disables the MFP functions such as copy and
•An administrator must enable the function and set the password for use with the function. Any user
may then lock the MFP touch screen or unlock the touch screen using the password.
Setting Security Using the Embedded Web Server (EWS)
•To enhance security of network communications and MFP configuration advanced security options are available through the Web page of the MFP.
Setting the System Password
•Setting the system password protects configuration of the Embedded Web Server.
•A system password is also required for secure mode and confidential communication with MVP.
Using the Secure Embedded Web Server
•The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) allows for secure connections to the Web server within the print device.
•To connect to the Embedded Web Server more securely, connect to the SSL port instead of the default HTTP port.
•The SSL port connection will encrypt all Web server network communications between the PC and MFP.
Supporting SNMPv3 (Simple Network Management Protocol version 3)
•SNMPv3 protocol allows for encrypted and authenticated network communications. It also lets the administrator select a desired level of security.
•Prior to use, at least one user name and password must be established from the settings page.
•Configuring for SNMPv3 may be accomplished through the Embedded Web Server of the MFP.
Supporting IPSec (Internal Protocol Security)
•IP Security protocol provides authentication and encryption of communications at the network layer, allowing application and network communications over the IP protocol to be secure.
•IPSec can be set up between the MFP and up to five hosts, using both IPv4 and IPv6.
Lexmark Confidential Until Announce |