After cloning operations are complete, just unplug the LT2002 from the 20LH1DC1.
If the 20LH1DC1 does not display a picture on the TV (blank screen) after a few seconds, just change channels.

Master and Other 20LH1DC1

8Wait until procedure complete message is displayed.
Procedure interrupted .
8Cloning is only possible with identical model TVs.
Different TV models.
8Reread 52 - 53 - 54 pages to be sure all tasks were performed.
Step(s) omitted or not
8Redo cloning and be sure learning/teaching time is about 1 min. and 5 to15 seconds (75 seconds).
Insufficient cloning time.
8Reset Clone Programmer.
Cloning erratic.

Cloning did not work.

8Batteries must remain installed to retain time settings.
Batteries were removed.

Clone time disappeared.

8Disconnect newly cloned unit from power for 5 seconds.
20LH1DC1 not reset.

New Setup not present

8Try a different LT2002 Clone programmer.
8Reset Clone Programmer.
Clone programmer problem.

Clone not working

8Retry cloning again.
Clone should only scan
channels once.

Clone Scans Channels more than once.