Detailed Descriptions of Installer Menu Items
030 - ACK MASK
M.P.I. Communication Param eter. Leave at default setting
unless changed by Pay-Per-View provider. When set to 1,
changes M.P.I. for some OCV boxes.
M.P.I. Communication Parameter. Selects Poll Rate for
M.P.I. Leave at
default setting unless changed by Pay-Per-View provider.
Step size of 16 ms.
M.P.I. Communication Param eter. Leave at default setting
unless changed by Pay-Per-View provider. Sets baud rate.
Step size of 4.3 uS.
035 - CAMPORT EN. (Camera Po rt Enable)
Enable/disables display panel HDMI input jack. Set to 0
to disable, set to 1 to enable.
039 - REAR AUX EN. (Rear Aux Enable)
Set to 1 to enable display panel rear AUX (Video 1)
Set to 0 to disable display panel rear AUX (Video 1)
046 - STRT AUX SRCE (Start Aux Source)
Sets the starting AUX source.
Start source if start channel =0
1 = Video1 3 = HDMI 1 255 = Last Aux
Set to 1 for M.P.I. AUX source to be reported as a
channel number instead of channel 0. Set to 0 to
disable AUX identification change.
Controls M.P.I. sta tus channel response for AUX inputs.
053 - DIS. CH-TIME (Disable Channel-Time)
Set to 1 to disable the Channel-Time display,
Channel-Time display will not appear.
Set to 0 to enable the Channel-Time display.
069 - EN. CH-T COL. (Enable Channel-Time Custom
Set to 1 to enable custom color for the Channel-Time
Set to 0 to disable custom color for the Channel-Time
070 - FOR. CH-TIME (Channel-Time Display
Foreground Color)
Set according to Color Chart.
0 = Black 3 = Yellow 6 = Cyan
1 = Red 4 = Blue 7 = White
2 = Green 5 = Violet
*Note: If foreground and background colors are the same, menu
background is transparent.
071 - BCK. CH-TIME (Channel-Time Display
Background Color)
Set according to Color Chart.
0 = Black 3 = Yellow 6 = Cyan
1 = Red 4 = Blue 7 = White
2 = Green 5 = Violet
*Note: If foreground and background colors are the same, menu
background is transparent.
073 - CH NOT AVBLE (Channel Not Available)
If set to 1 and item 028 CHANNEL OVERRIDE is set to
0, “NNOOTT AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEEmessage is displayed when
directly accessing a channel not in the channel scan list
available in memory.
075 - REVERT CH (Revert to Start Channel)
If set to 1 and loss of M.P.I. communication occurs, TV
automatically tunes to the specified Start Channel.
Allows TV power off to be controlled by the pillow
speaker channel selection button. User would press and
hold button down for time required to have TV turn off.
Valus Range from to 17
0 = disable
1 = 2 sec 3 = 3 sec
1 = 2.5 sec 17 = 10 sec
Caculation = ( 2 + (number-1) x 1 ) sec
078 - UPN MSB (UPN Most Significant Byte)
User programmable number, most significant byte
readable by M.P.I. command.
*Note: Not linked to serial number.
079 - UPN MSB-1 (UPN Most Significant Byte-1)
User programmable number, most significant byte-1
readable by M.P.I. command. Not linked to serial number.
080 - UPN MSB-2 (UPN Most Significant Byte-2)
User programmable number, most significant byte-2
readable by M.P.I. command. Not linked to serial number.
(Continued on next page)