LG Electronics KP199 Call history Menu, All calls, Missed calls, Dialled calls, Received calls

Models: KP199

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Call history [Menu 2]

Your phone saves the call records of missed calls, received calls, dialled calls, length and cost of calls in the Call history menu. You can view all the call records when needed. In this menu, your phone also offers the functions: delete, save, edit, send text message and send multimedia message when you select a certain phone number.


Once the call list exceeds the memory limitation, the oldest one is deleted.

You can press the S key to have a quick review of missed, dialed & received calls.

When the SIM card is changed, the call records stored in phone are deleted but the call records stored in the SIM card are not.

All calls

Menu 2.1

Your phone allows you to record up to 120 entries of missed, dialled and received calls.

To view all of your call records, from the main menu, select Call history

>All calls and press OK.

Missed calls

Menu 2.2

Your phone allows you to view the last 40 missed calls.

To view your missed call records, from the main menu, select Call history > Missed calls and press OK.

Dialled calls

Menu 2.3

Your phone allows you to view the last 40 outgoing calls.

To view your dialled call records, from the main menu, select Call

history > Dialled calls and press OK.

Received calls

Menu 2.4

Your phone allows you to view the last 40 received calls.

To view received call records, from the main menu, select Call history

>Received calls and press OK.

When you select one of your call entries, your phone displays the call info such as date, time, caller name, phone number, and calling times, and provides the following options.

Call history


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LG Electronics KP199 manual Call history Menu, All calls, Missed calls, Dialled calls, Received calls