LG Electronics KP199 manual Image viewer, View View pictures saved in My stuff

Models: KP199

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White balance

Auto WB/ Daylight/ Tungsten/

Fluorescent/ Cloud/


EV *

EV-4 / EV-3 / EV-2 / EV-1 /

EV 0 / EV+1 / EV+2 / EV+3 /


Scene mode

Auto/ Night


50 / 60 Hz

Shutter sound

Sound Off / Sound 1/

Sound 2/ Sound 3

Restore settings

Restores factory defaults

* Display at the Camera mode.

Image viewer

Menu 4.3

All images from EMS, MMS, WAP and camera can be reviewed from the Image viewer mode. They are stored in either the phone

or memory card. You can toggle between List style or Matrix style when viewing images.

Your phone provides the following selections when you select

Multimedia > Image viewer > Options from the main menu:

View: View pictures saved in My stuff.

Browse style: Select the style when browsing pictures. Your phone offers the List style and Matrix style to view your pictures.

Forward: Forwards your pictures as wallpaper, a screen saver, power on/off display, or contact ID, and you can also share it via MMS.

Rename: Rename the file name.

Delete: Deletes pictures in My stuff.

Multi delete: Deletes more images at a time.

Sort by: Sorts your photos by name, type, time, or size.

Storage: Choose storage destination (phone or memory card).



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LG Electronics KP199 manual Image viewer, View View pictures saved in My stuff, Multi delete Deletes more images at a time