LG Electronics KP199 manual Call history, Delete call log, Call time, Call cost

Models: KP199

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Call history

Call history

Delete: Delete the entry from the call log.

Dial: Dial to the entry.

Edit: Edit the entry and save the entry to SIM card or to the phone.

Send text message: Send a text message to the entry.

Send multimedia message: Send a multimedia message to the entry.

Delete call log

Menu 2.5

Your phone allows you to delete some or all of your call records.

To delete the call records, from the main menu, select Call history

>Delete call log and press OK. You can delete the call records from missed calls, dialled calls, and received calls, or even select Delete all to remove all your call records.

Call time

Menu 2.6

Your phone allows you to view the lengths of calls after making or receiving calls.

To view the lengths of calls, from the main menu, select Call history

>Call time and press OK. Your phone displays the following details.

Last call time: Displays the duration of your last call.

Total sent: Sum of total time you have called out.

Total received: Sum of total call time you have received.

Reset all time: Press OK to reset the time counter to zero.

Call cost

Menu 2.7

Your phone allows you to check the cost while making phone calls.

To view the costs of calls, from the main menu, select Call history

>Call cost and press OK. Your phone displays the following details.

Last call cost: Cost of last call made.

Total cost: Sum of call costs you made so far.

Reset cost: Clear all costs you made.

Max cost: Set the max cost allowed.

Price per unit: Set the unit cost allowed.


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LG Electronics KP199 manual Call history, Delete call log, Call time, Call cost