64 Section 2C: Setting Your Phone’s Security
Restricting Your PhoneThere may be occasions when you wantto limitthe numbers
your phone can call. You can use the RestrictCalls setting to do
justthat. (The Restrict Calls setting does not apply to
incoming calls, calls made to 911, or calls made to Sprint
Customer Service.)
To restrictyour phone:
1. SelectMenu > Settings > Security, and then enter your
lock code. (The Security menu is displayed.)
2. SelectLimit Calls.
3. SelectUnlock, 911 Emergency Services Only, Special #’s
Only, or Contacts Only and press .
䡲Unlockallows all calls to be made withoutany
restrictions (defaultsetting).
䡲911 Emergency Services Onlyrestricts all outgoing
calls (except911 or SprintCustomer Service).
䡲Special #’s Onlyallows you to call only the 10
numbers stored in the Special Number section in the
Security menu.
䡲Contacts Onlyallows you to call only the entries
saved in the Contacts.
Note:“Lock Code”is displayed when your restriction is setto Contacts Only
and you make a call to a saved number or try to editan existing entry.