Settings & Tools
3.Select Memory, then press Save Options.
4.Choose Pictures/ Videos/ Sounds/ Ringtones.
5.Choose Phone Memory/ Card Memory.
10.2. Phone Memory
Shows the memory usage information for the phone and lists the files, by type.
1.Open the flip and press [MENU].
2.Press Settings & Tools.
3.Select Memory, then press Phone Memory.
4.Choose Memory Usage/ My Pictures/ My Videos/ My Ringtones/ My Music/ My Sounds/ My Contacts/ Move All To Card.
10.3. Card Memory
Shows the memory usage information for the memory card and lists the files, by type.
1.Open the flip and press [MENU].
2.Press Settings & Tools.
3.Select Memory, then press Card Memory.
4.Choose Memory Usage/ My Pictures/ My Videos/ My Ringtones/ My Music/ My Sounds/My Contacts/ Move All To Phone.
11. Phone Info
Allows you to view the information specific to your phone and software.
1.Open the flip and press [MENU].
2.Press Settings & Tools.
3.Select Phone Info.
11.1 My Number
Allows you to view your phone number.
1.Open the flip and press [MENU].
2.Press Settings & Tools.
3.Select Phone Info.
4.Press My Number.
11.2 SW/HW Version
Allows you to view the versions of various applications such as SW, PRL, ERI, Browser, Media Center, AVR, EMS, MMS, Bluetooth®, OTADM Version, MSUI, HW