@The screen color is mono or abnormal.
•Checkif thesignalcable is properlyconnected anduse a screwdriverto fasten if necessary.
•Makesurethe video card is properlyinsertedin the slot.
•Setthe color settinghigherthan 24 bits (truecolor) at Control Panel- Settings.
@The screen blinks. | • Checkif thescreenis setto interlacemode and if |
| yes, change itto the recommendresolution. |
Do you see an ,,Unreco: inized monitor, Plug&Play (VESA DDC)
@Haveyou installedthe displaydriver?
@PictureOK & No sound.
•Besureto installthe displaydriverfromthe display driverCD (ordiskette)thatcomeswithyour display.Or, you can also downloadthe driverfrom ourweb site: http://www.lge.com.
•Makesureto check if the video card supports Plug&Playfunction.
•Check whether volume is "0".
•Check sound muted.
•HDMI cable installed properly.
•Head phone cable installed properly.
•Check sound format. Not supply to compressed sound format.