The options "a" "d" and "e" allow you to manage your list of network
devices with access to the card. These options can be used as a com-
plex instruction to add a single device, specify read/write access rights,
and designate the Community String. For, example, entering:
"a read NewCommunity"
adds device to the community list. The menu will update:
Display/Modify Communities Menu
1: write MyCommunity
2: read NewCommunity
<ESC>: Cancel menu level
<a>dd <d>elete <e>dit
As you are adding communities, you need to consider access rights.
Notice above, that has write access when the device passes
the correct Community String of MyCommunity. This means that this net-
work device has both read and write access to the card, whereas has only the ability to read information when providing the
correct Community String. Devices with write access can control the UPS
and reconfigure settings of the card.
Select option "3" to edit the list of devices you want to receive traps from
the card via SNMP.
Display/Modify Trap Communities Menu
1: MyCommunity
<ESC>: Cancel menu level
<a>dd <d>elete <e>dit
Complex lines allowed. e.g.
<a public> ?>