Personal TraIner workouts are accessed through the PERSONAL TRAINER key. These include the pre-pro- grammed DIsTanCe Goal, CalorIes Goal, TIMe In zone Goal, and sPorT TraInInG, workouts, as well as up to six CUsToM WorKoUTs, which may be programmed by the user.

DIsTanCe Goal is a distance based workout. CalorIes Goal is a calorie expenditure based workout.

TIMe In zone Goal is a time spent within a target zone based workout.

sPorT TraInInGTM (5K) is a distance-goal workout that simulates an actual terrain with varying incline levels. It is designed to assist runners in training for a 5-kilometer, or 3.1-mile, race. Accessible through the PERSONAL TRAINER workouts key.

sPorT TraInInGTM (10K) is a distance-goal workout that simulates an actual terrain with varying incline levels. It is designed to assist runners in training for a 10-kilometer, or 6.2-mile, race. Accessible through the PERSONAL TRAINER workouts key.

fITness TesTs

lIfe fITness fIT TesT estimates cardiovascular fitness and can be used to monitor improvements in endurance every 4-6 weeks.

aDDITIonal fITness TesTs are similar to the FIT TEST workout, except these programs are based upon specific predefined protocols. The available tests are:

arMy PHysICal fITness TesT (PfT) - (U.S. MIlITARy)

naVy PHysICal reaDIness TesT (PrT) - (U.S. MIlITARy

MarInes PHysICal fITness TesT (PfT) - (U.S. MIlITARy)

aIr forCe fITness TesT (PrT) - (U.S. MIlITARy)


PHysICal effICIenCy baTTery (Peb) - (U.S. fEDERAl lAW ENfoRCEMENT)


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Life Fitness B098 operation manual FITness TesTs, PHysICal effICIenCy baTTery Peb U.S. fEDERAl lAW ENfoRCEMENT