6.4TroUblesHooTInG THe oPTIonal Polar TeleMeTry HearT raTe CHesT sTraP
Malfunction | Probable Cause | Corrective action |
| Belt transmitter electrodes are not | Wet the belt transmitter |
| wet enough to pick up accurate | electrodes (see Section 3.2). |
| heart rate readings. | |
| |
| Belt transmitter electrodes are not | Ensure the belt transmitter |
| electrodes are laying flat against | |
| laying flat against the skin. | the skin (see Section 3.2). |
| |
| Belt transmitter needs cleaning. | Wash the belt transmitter with |
| mild soap and water. | |
| |
| Belt transmitter is not within 3.25 | Make sure the Polar telemetry |
| heart rate chest strap transmitter | |
| feet (1 meter) of the heart rate | |
| is within 3 feet (1 meter) of the | |
| receiver. | |
| heart rate receiver. | |
| |
| Contact Life Fitness Customer |
| Polar telemetry heart rate chest | Support Services for instructions |
| on how to have the Polar | |
| strap battery is depleted. | |
| telemetry heart rate chest strap | |
Heart rate reading is erratic or |
| |
| replaced. | |
absent entirely. |
| Make sure the Polar telemetry | |
| |
| heart rate chest strap is installed |
| and move closer to the heart |
| rate receiver. Wait up to 10 |
| seconds for the heart rate to |
| display on the console. |
Polar telemetry heart rate chest | notes: |
1. Ensure proper adherence of | |
strap did not lock in with the heart | the Polar telemetry heart rate |
rate receiver. | chest strap to user’s chest. |
| 2. Ensure proper conductivity |
| between the electrodes and |
| user’s chest. |
| 3. If needed, use the Polar |
| watch to verify the Polar |
| telemetry heart rate chest |
| strap’s operation. |