This workout features alternating periods of pedaling forward and pedaling backwards. If the user chooses a workout dura- tion 14 minutes or above, the unit displays alternating prompts to pedal forward for five minutes and then backward for two minutes. If the user selects a goal of 13 minutes or below, the display prompts the user to pedal forward for two minutes and then backward for one minute. If the user selects a goal other than time (distance or calorie), the program uses the default setting of prompting forward motion for five minutes and reverse for two minutes.
This feature varies the emphasis on different leg muscles. Ten seconds after prompting the user to change pedaling direc- tion, the workout applies “braking resistance,” that is, a high resistance level that essentially forces the user to stop pedaling. Once the user stops pedaling, the workout resumes the normal resistance level. The actual level of braking resistance depends on the user’s pedaling SPEED. If the user is pedaling at a rate equal to, or faster than, 6.2 mph (10.0 kph), the workout applies the maximum level of braking resistance. If the user is pedaling at a speed below 6.2 mph (10.0 kph), the workout applies 92 percent of the maximum.