This section lists and describes the functions for the buttons on the Touchscreen Display and the
keys on the Control Panel on the Life Fitness Treadmills. See Section 4, titled The Workouts, for
detailed information on using the console to set up workouts.
The Touchscreen Display allows the user to move from screen by screen by simply touching but-
tons to access other screens. The Touchscreen Display enables users to access:
1) WORKOUT SELECTION choose a workout.
2) WORKOUT SETUP AND GOSYSTEM enter workout values and goals.
3) WORKOUT PROGRESS monitor progress, edit workout goals, and access TV viewing.


Touch the Welcome Screen anywhere to start and enter the Workout Selection screen. Use the
Workout Selection screen to choose a workout, access QUICK START,or to access the Help
A. QUICK START:Press this key to begin a manual workout immediately, bypassing any setup
or goal setting. Once started, the user can then make adjustments to the workout. Once the
workout is in progress choose SPEED, or INCLINE to determine the level of intensity, and
ENTER WEIGHT so that Calories Burned/Calories per Hour, METs, and Watts can be com-
puter and displayed. Select the COOLDOWN button on the left side of the Control Panel to
enter a Cooldown phase when ready.