HH. ADVANCED CONTROL: Use to access advanced picture/audio control menu. See Section 5.1
System Options Menu, TV / FM Radio Settings for more information.
JJ. SECURE CHANNEL: If enabled, use to access a dedicated channel for non-broadcast usage.
This channel may require a password for viewing. See Section 5.1 System Options Menu, TV /
FM Radio Settings for more information.
KK. FM SELECTION: FM ON/OFF: If enabled, use to access FM Radio. See Section 5.1 System
Options Menu, TV / FM Radio Settings for more information.
LL. FM CONTROLS: If enabled, use to access pre-set FM Radio stations. Use the SEEK FOR-
WARD and BACK buttons to See Section 5.1 System Options Menu, TV / FM Radio Settings
for more information.
Additional information appearing in the Workout Progress Screen for different workouts:
ENTER WEIGHT: Appears in the Quick Start workout. Choose ENTER WEIGHTso that METs,
Watts, and Calories Burned/Calories per Hour can be computed and displayed as workout
TIME IN ZONE:Displays the accumulated time that the heart rate stays within the selected target
zone for a Heart Rate Zone Trainingworkout. See section 3, titled Heart Rate Zone Training
Exercise, for more information.
SPEED INTERVAL:(Speed Interval workout only) Allows the user to toggle between a jog and a
run speed. See Section 4.3 Workout Descriptions, Personal Trainer, Speed Interval.