After you have correctly connected your device, you can access its files on your device by pressing the MENU button of your remote control to enter the Player menu. Go to the USB section and select the type of content you would like to browse.
Note: The KiSS 1600 supports the following file systems on mass
storage devices: FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS. Some variant USB file systems may not be supported.
Note: If you do not know which file system your mass storage device is using, please consult the User Guide for the device or contact the manufacturer for this information. Please also note that the KiSS 1600 only supports mass storage devices in “read only” mode. This means that you cannot rename, delete or alter your files (in any way) on the drive from the KiSS 1600.
Note: Streaming video from a USB device depends on the maximum bit rate, and a very high bit rate may not always be supported.
Note: Although the KiSS 1600 USB connector supplies enough power to supply standard
5 | Connecting your Player to a |
Network |
Connecting your player to your home network and the Internet will enable you to access Online Services, and will also enable you to share your computer audio, video and picture files with your player using KiSS
There are several ways to connect your KiSS 1600 to your home network and/or the Internet. The most common ways are described below, starting with Wired Networking, then Wireless networking.
Please note that you do not need to connect your KiSS 1600 to a network or to the Internet to start playing CD/DVD or USB files. Connection can be done at a later stage. Read the end of this chapter for more details.
WIRED Connection using a Router
Equipment required
•A router, with a
•2 or 3 straight Ethernet cables.
•A Windows PC or a Macintosh with an Ethernet connection.
1.Check that your Internet connection or home network is currently working with your computer. If you experience a problem with your Internet connection, contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
2.If it is not already connected, connect your Computer to the router’s
3.Connect the player to the router’s
4.Plug your KiSS 1600 into the electrical socket to start it.
5.Wait up to 20 seconds for the KiSS 1600 to start loading. During this period, the display will remain black until the message “PLS WAIT” appears. Wait another 20 seconds for loading to complete.
6.When loading is complete the message “NET IS UP” displays on the KiSS 1600, signaling that your player is connected.
7.Proceed to the Quick Setup to finish setting up your player. See Chapter 6 of this user guide.
8.If the message “NO NET” is displayed and you encounter a problem whilst connecting, check your cables or the FAQ on our website (www.linksys.eu; select your country, then Support, Technical Support and Easy Answers).
WIRED Network with a Computer using Internet con- nection sharing
Equipment required
•Switch/hub and 2 straight cables or a crossed cable.
•A Windows PC or a Macintosh with an Ethernet connection.