Commercial Pool Heaters
Sidewall Fan
The sidewall fan can be mounted on the inside/outside (depending upon model) with a sidewall vent hood installed on the exterior wall. The sidewall fan and accessories are included in a venting kit provided by the appliance manufacturer. See
The venting kit includes the sidewall fan, vent hood, tapered vent adapter, barometric damper, proving switch and all necessary relays to interlock with the heaters control system. The tapered vent adapter reduces the vent size at the inlet to the fan. There should be no reduction in vent diameter from the pool heater’s flue outlet to the sidewall fan. The barometric damper must be installed on the flue and adjusted to supply a negative draft within the range of 0.04 to 0.08 inches w.c. while the pool heater is operating.
Flue Outlet Piping
With this venting option, you must use
When planning the venting system, avoid possible contact with plumbing or electrical wiring inside walls.
The maximum installed length of sidewall vent pipe with an induced draft fan must not exceed 100 feet (30.5m) on the 500,000 - 2,070,000 Btu/hr models. Note: Models 990,000 - 2,070,000 are not approved for sidewall venting without a fan. The maximum installed length of sidewall vent pipe without an induced draft fan must not exceed 50 feet (15.2m) on the 500,000 - 750,000 Btu/hr models. Subtract 5 feet (1.5m) for each 90° elbow. Subtract 2.5 feet (0.7m) for each 45° elbow.
Sidewall Venting Termination
The sidewall vent cap must be installed on an exterior sidewall. The sidewall fan/powered sidewall vent cap and accessories are included in a venting kit which is furnished by the pool heater manufacturer in accordance with CSA International requirements. This venting kit includes the powered sidewall fan/cap, proving switch and all necessary relays to interlock with the pool heater’s control system.
The sidewall fan/powered vent cap must be interlocked with the pool heater’s control system to start the fan on a call for heat and prove fan operation before the pool heater fires. Plug- in and terminal strip connections are provided on the pool heater for easy connection of the factory supplied vent kit and control package for the sidewall vent fan.
Sidewall Venting Without Fan
For 500,000 - 750,000 Btu/hr models approved for sidewall venting without an external power vent fan, you must install specific vent kits and venting materials. The following is a detailed explanation of Sidewall Venting Without an External Fan installation requirements.
Flue Outlet Piping
Venting Guidelines
If using this venting option, a sealed
This vent system has specific vent material and installation requirements. Only use listed sealed
Seal all vent joints and seams
Drain Tee Installation
A drain tee must be installed in the vent pipe to collect and dispose of any condensate that may occur in the vent system. The drain tee must be installed as the first fitting after the horizontal ell on the top of the unit (see Figures 22A and 22B). Plastic drain tubing, sized per the vent manufacturer’s instructions, shall be provided as a drain line from the tee. The drain tubing must have a trap provided by a 3" (7.6cm) diameter circular trap loop in the drain tubing. Prime the trap loop by pouring a small quantity of water into the drain hose before assembly to the vent. Secure the trap loop in position with nylon wire ties. Use caution not to collapse or restrict the condensate drain line with the nylon wire ties. The condensate drain must be routed to a suitable drain for disposal of condensate that may occur in the direct vent system. Refer to the condensate drain installation instructions as supplied by the manufacturer of the vent material.