Appendix B - Grade of service
101-1620-005 B-3
Table B-2. Maximum busy hour traffic supported for a GOS of P.02
Ports Erlangs CCS Minutes
8 3.61 130 216.67
12 6.61 238 396.67
16 9.81 353 588.33
20 13.17 474 790.00
24 16.61 598 996.67
28 20.14 725 1208.33
32 23.72 854 1423.33
36 27.33 984 1640.00
40 30.97 1115 1858.33
44 34.67 1248 2080.00
48 38.39 1382 2303.33
52 42.11 1516 2526.67
56 45.86 1651 2751.67
60 49.64 1787 2978.33
64 53.42 1923 3205.00
68 57.22 2060 3433.33
72 61.03 2197 3661.67