Octel Unified Messenger Concepts & Planning Guide
2-10 101-1620-005
Hardware and software requirements for Octel Unified Messenger servers
Octel Unified Messenger servers require the following configuration:
Minimum voice
server requirements
nFor systems using 4 to 12 ports: 200 MHz Intel Pentium.
For systems using 16 to 24 ports: 400 MHz Intel Pentium.
n128 MB RAM.
nAccess to a CD-ROM drive to install the software.
nMicrosoft Windows NT 4.0 with the latest service pack.
nRhetorex VPS4, 8-port PCI cards (Vantage PCI_8L or PCI_8LH),
or VRS24 with ATSI voice card(s) (available in US and Canada
nMicrosoft Exchange Client software.
nRhetorex Installation Suite.
n1 GB free disk space.
Recommended Processor:
The processor recommended for an OMD voice server depends on two
key factors:
nThe number of voice ports to be supported by the server.
nThe maximum number of simultaneous text-to-speech (TTS)
sessions to be allowed on the server. The number cannot exceed
the number of TTS licenses purchased.
Note: When using Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5, it
is recommended that you use Microsoft Outlook 98.
Note: Ensure there is sufficient disk space on the voice
server. If the voice server runs out of disk space, you
will obtain unpredictable results. Microsoft
recommends that you keep at least 20% of disk space
free to guarantee good performance.
Note: Too many TTS sessions can have a de trimen ta l effect
on the voice server’s performance.