Your phone system has several features that allow you to leave messages for others in your office. If you use Leave Message or Posted Messages, the person(s) for whom you are leaving a message must have a display phone. If you wish to leave a message for a person who does not have a display telephone, use voice mail and the Direct Voice Mail feature, if available, or ask the system operator to take a message for the person. Here are some guidelines for different messaging features:
•Leave Message. This feature simply lets a
•Posted Messages. If you post a message at your telephone, inside callers with display
phones see the posted message you have selected. As many as 20 messages may be available for posting.
When a message is waiting for you, your red Message light is lit. The descriptions below explain how to read, cancel, and delete messages you have sent or received.
If your company has voice mail, ask your system manager for details about using the voice mail system. For information about having your phone covered by the voice mail system, see Coverage, p. 13.
If you frequently communicate with a small number of people (for example, as a receptionist for a few
Leaving Messages
To program:
See Programming Buttons & Settings, p. 20.
To leave a message at a busy or unanswered extension you are calling:
•Press the Leave Message button you have programmed,
Press the Feature button; then select Leave Msg [LvMsg] or dial 25.
•To leave a voice mail message (if your company has such a system), press the Feature button and select Direct VM [DrcVM] or dial 56 (see Direct Voice Mail, p. 13, for details).
A screen display confirms that the message has been sent, or it alerts you that the message box is full or the message can’t be sent (for example, because the called person has no phone display).
To leave a message without calling:
1.Press the Feature button and dial 53.
2.Dial the extension.
To cancel a message:
1.Press the Feature button and dial ✻53.
2.Dial the extension.
Receiving Messages
When your red Message light is on, you have a message from a
ATT You have a message from the operator. FAX You have a fax.
VMS You have a voice mail message.
EXT Indicates the extension number of the person who called.
✻Marks a new message.
To read and respond to messages on your display:
1.Press the Menu button.
2.Select Messages [Msgs].
3.Choose from:
•Return Call [Call] to call your
•Next Msg [Next] to see the next message.
•Delete Msg [Dlete] to delete the message. You can have up to 10 messages; if there are 10, no more are accepted.