This page allows you to select various options for the digital input and output signals.
Digital Output Format
Selects between S/PDIF (Consumer) and AES/EBU (Professional) digital output streams. The default is S/PDIF. The default setting,”Consumer,” is a true S/PDIF format and is recognized by all consumer devices. The alternate “Professional” setting is an AES/EBU type data stream, but electrically S/PDIF. This is a
Checking the Advanced Settings box will bring up additional dialog boxes for enabling emphasis, copy protection and other advanced options.
Monitor Mixer Source
When recording via the S/PDIF input, this section selects the audio source that will be sent to the monitor mixer. Options are Software Return (the output of your DAW) or Hardware Input (direct input monitoring).
Contact Us
If you experience difficulties with your Audiophile 192, please be certain to check the Users’ Manual first for additional information.
It is also advisable to check our website at
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Technical support is available by telephone from 7am - 7pm PST.
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