Using the DiskOnChip with Linux OS
5.1.2 Overview
A root file system must contain everything that is needed to support a full Linux system. To achieve this, the disk must include the minimum requirements for a Linux system:
∙Basic file system structure
∙Minimum set of directories: /dev, /proc, /bin, /etc, /lib, /usr, /tmp
∙Basic set of commands: sh, ls, cp, mv, etc.
∙Minimum set of config files: rc, inittab, fstab, etc.
∙Devices: /dev/hd*, /dev/tty*, /dev/fd0, etc.
∙Runtime libraries to provide basic functions used by utilities
5.1.3 Populating the File System
From this point on, it is assumed that the DiskOnChip is mounted to the /diskonchip directory.
The sample script copy2doc that is provided with the driver is located in directory /tmp/doc- driver. This sample script is created for RedHat 5, SuSE 5.2 and Caldera and is customized for RedHat
5.It might be necessary to change the script according to your distribution. Files that are specific to a distribution can be found in the script with the distribution name written after it. To exclude a file, make sure the ‘#’ mark is present at the beginning of the line. To include a file, make sure the ‘#’ mark is removed.
The sample script only copies the basic files that are needed for booting. For any other operation, it is necessary to add more files.
To create a root file system based on the sample script copy2doc, perform the following steps:
1.Go to the /diskonchip directory:
#cd /diskonchip
2.If necessary, customize the sample script (for other distributions):
3.Run the script:
4.Create the list of files to be mounted:
#vi /diskonchip/etc/fstab
5.Press <INS> to start editing and insert the following lines:
/dev/fla1 / | ext2 | defaults 1 1 |
/proc | /proc proc | defaults 0 0 |
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