



Fasten the transfer box on the back panel of DVR with two screws

Pull out 6 connection terminals of the transfer box, corresponding connection marks can be clearly noticed. Connect function line according to connection marks

￿Loosen the screws on the connection terminal;￿connection diagram￿￿

￿Insert lines needed to corresponding terminals ￿￿connection diagram￿￿

￿Fasten the screws on the terminals after insertion of the lines.(connection diagram￿￿

connection diagram￿

connection diagram￿

connection diagram￿


a) “Ground”￿ground line￿





b)“+12v”￿provide the power to alarm device



with current less than 2A



c)“OUT 1￿2” is two alarm outputs switch.



Nomal open type￿



d)￿485 A￿B￿ is communication connection,



used to connect such recorder control device



such as control decoder



e)￿+12￿C￿” is control power output, is used for



standby power for smoke sensor alarm device..




dismiss of the alarm needs the device to turn off



the power.



f)￿ALARMIN 1…8￿ is alarm input. High level voltage input. Input


voltage is 6-24V￿12V is recommended￿￿



10-Pin connection for DVR1604RW

If you want to control pan-tilt, lens and process the relay of the alarming signals by the DVR, the 10-pin port can realize. The




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Mace DVR0804RW, DVR0404RW manual Pin connection for DVR1604RW