Album: Displays a list of albums loaded on the player; once an album is selected a list of music from that album is displayed.
Genre: Displays a list of genres loaded on the player; once a genre is selected, a list of music files will be displayed
My Music List: Displays your 5 playlists. Files are added to a playlist in the music submenu.
Dir List: List all music files in the Music folder. Files are displayed in a standard folder structure.
Record List: displays a list of recorded files.
-> Music Playing Interface
Note- when lyrics are displayed, the screen will not power off while a file is playing.
1. Play & Pause
Briefly press the PLAY button to toggle between play and pause modes.
2.Rewind and Forward
When an audio file is playing, press and hold the Next or Previous button to fast forward or rewind the file.
3.Change tracks
When an audio file is playing or paused, briefly press the Next or Previous button to skip to the next or previous file.