CD Processor
Step A:
Connect the digital audio processor master
communication port to the Nº320S slave in
communication port.
slave out
slave in
slave in
Step B:
Connect the Nº320S communication
port to the first power amplifier input
communication port.
input control
Power Amplifier
Step Ca:
Connect the first power amplifier
control communication port to the second
power amplifier input communication
port. Repeat this step to include up to six
power amplifiers.
Power Amplifier
The last power amplifier control
communication port is not connected.
input slave out
Digital Audio Processor
Step A:
Connect the digital audio processor master
communication port to the first digital transpor
slave in communication port.
Digital Transport
Step C:
Connect the second digital transport slave out
communication port to the Nº320S slave in
communication port.
CD Processor
Step B:
Connect the first digital transport slave out
communication port to the Nº320S slave in
communication port.
slave in
slave in
Step D:
Connect the Nº320S communication
port to the power amplifier input
communication port.
control Nº432
Power Amplifier
The last power amplifier control
communication port is not connected.
slave out
slave in
* The Nº390S can serve as either a digital audio processor or a
digital transport in a slave chain.
Nº326S Preamplifier Basic Operation
Link Controls Linking Mark Levinson components allows them to share controls
such as display intensity, standby, playback, input selection, and
Note the following:
•Linked components must be powered on ONE AT A TIME in
the specific order listed in step 4 (page 2-12) to ensure proper
functioning of Link controls.
•Link controls must be enabled on the linked digital transport(s)
linking menu, which allows activation and deactivation of
individual Link controls. Refer to the appropriate digital
transport owner’s manual for additional information.
•Some Mark Levinson digital transports accommodate a maximum
of four front panel display characters. In these cases, certain
input names appear abbreviated on the front panel display.
For example, an input named Nº326S will appear as Nº32 on
the digital transport front panel display even though the
input is associated with the Nº326S.
•The linked Nº326S and power amplifier(s) must be in the same
standby-state to allow the linked power amplifier(s) to enter
standby after a power failure.
The slave chains shown here are made
according to the requirements listed in the
table on page 2-11.
The slave chain at the far left links one
digital audio processor (Nº390S); one
preamplifier (Nº326S); and two power
amplifiers (Nº432 and Nº431).
The slave chain shown to the immediate
left links one digital audio processor
(Nº360S); two digital transports (Nº390S
and Nº37); one preamplifier (Nº326S); and
one power amplifier (Nº432).