Basic Operation Mark Levinson
7. polarity button
Controls the polarity of the main output signal. Pressing and
releasing the polarity button toggles between inverting and
restoring main output signal polarity. The front panel polarity
LED lights red to indicate that main output signal polarity is
inverted. The polarity button has no affect on record output
signal polarity. Refer to Polarity (page 4-3) for additional
8. balance button
Opens and closes the balance control, which can be used to
control the left-to-right channel balance of the main output
connectors. The front panel balance LED lights red to indicate
that the balance control is open. Refer to Balance (page 4-3)
for additional information.
When the balance control is closed, the front panel balance
LED remains lit if the left-to-right channel balance of the
main output connectors is offset.
9. display button
Controls the illumination level of front panel display characters
and the front panel standby LED. Refer to Display Intensity
(page 4-2) for additional information.
10. mono button
Activates and deactivates the selected mode of mono playback.
The front panel mono LED lights red to indicate that the
mono playback is activated. Refer to Mono Playback (page 4-5)
for additional information.
11. mute button
Activates and deactivates mute. Pressing and releasing the
mute button once activates mute and attenuates master volume
by the selected mute level. The front panel mute LED lights
red to indicate that mute is activated. Pressing and releasing
the mute button again restores master volume to its original