Is there a Software Developers Kit (SDK) for Marmitek ActiveHomePro?
Yes there is. Use it to develop your own applications that work with Marmitek ActiveHomePro. Go to www.activehomepro.eu for more information on the Marmitek ActiveHomePro SDK.
Does Marmitek ActiveHomePro need a separate transceiver (TM13 or IRRF7243)?
No. The CM15Pro has a
How many lights and appliances can I control using X-10?
What is the reason for modules to switch on/off spontaneously?
It is possible that a Marmitek
My modules will not respond to my controller.
Make sure that the HouseCode on all Modules and Controllers are set to the same HouseCode (A .. P).
Am I able to increase the range of my remotes by using more Transceivers? Yes, you can use more than one TM13 Transceiver in your home when the range of your remotes is not sufficient. Both the TM13 and CM15Pro use so called collision detection to prevent signals to be disturbed when more than one transceiver is transmitting. To prevent your Marmitek
Do you still have questions? Please check out www.marmitek.com for more information.
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