The entire work directory tree is purged periodically of files that are older than a certain number of days, as specified in the general translator configuration.
As a rule,
1.A translation can be configured to execute a specified
2.For DICOM outputs, the translation can be configured to perform a store of the output files to a DICOM Application Entity. Such a store consumes the output files and removes them from the output directory.
For translations to DICOM,
Figure 5 – NumaLink-3.0 DICOM Data Flow
| Standard |
| Interface |
Image placed in |
input directory for | Image stored |
translation and | remotely |
remote storage |
| NumaLink |
Image placed in | Translated image |
input directory for | written to Part 10 |
translation to | comformant file |
local file | in local directory |
More information on
3.1 A Typical Translation
1.The input directory is checked periodically for input files; if no files are found,
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