Meade Instruments Corporation - Meade LX200 Instruction Manuals
[ toc ] 7. Maksutov Fan
The Maksutov optics of the 7" LX200 are equipped with a fan which will assist in the stabilization of the temperature of these optics. The fan will operate when a special power cord (supplied in the accessory box) is plugged into the fan and the LX200 panel plug marked "Aux," and with the power switch in the "On" position. The amount of time required to stabilize the temperature will be dependent upon ambient conditions including the observation site and preexisting condition of the telescope. The fan should be activated at the beginning of the observation session to accelerate the temperature stabilization. As soon as the optics have reached an equilibrium with the environment the fan should be turned off by unplugging the fan power cord. Fan operation time should range between 5 and 25 minutes. While it is permissible to run the fan continuously it is not recommended because the very slight vibration of the fan may cause noticeable movement of the objects observed in the sensitive optics.
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