Section 4: BIOS Setup Utility
Type the password and press the <Enter> key. Retype the password and press the <Enter> key again. Write down the password somewhere safe so it will not be forgotten. The password may be disabled by setting the new password to nothing (pressing the <Enter> key without first typing a password).
WARNING: If you forget the Supervisor Password, it cannot be disabled without discharging the CMOS.
Set User Password
Follow the same procedure used to set the Supervisor Password.
NOTE: When a password has been entered, it is saved immediately. All other changes may still be discarded (see Exit Screen).
Password on Boot
When enabled, the system will require a password to be entered upon boot. Either the Supervisor or User Password may be entered.
Diskette Access
This category allows floppy disk access with an option of the Supervisor or User. Selecting Supervisor gives floppy disk access to the supervisor only.
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