Access Control Lists
Setting the ACL Name and Type
Use the ACL Configuration page to designate the name and type of an ACL.
Command Attributes
Name – Name of the ACL. (Maximum length: 16 characters)
Type – There are three filtering modes:
- Standard: IP ACL mode that filters packets based on the source IP address.
- Extended: IP ACL mode that filters packets based on source or destination IP
address, as well as protocol type and protocol port number. If the “TCP” protocol
is specified, then you can also filter packets based on the TCP control code.
- MAC: MAC ACL mode that filters packets based on the source or destination
MAC address and the Ethernet frame type (RFC 1060).
Web – Click Security, ACL, Configuration. Enter an ACL name in the Name field,
select the list type (IP Standard, IP Extended, or MAC), and click Add to open the
configuration page for the new list.
Figure3-31 Selecting ACL Type
CLI – This example creates a standard IP ACL named bill.
Configuring a Standard IP ACL
Command Attributes
Action – An ACL can contain all permit rules or all deny rules.
(Default: Permit rules)
IP – Specifies the source IP address. Use “Any” to include all possible addresses,
“Host” to specify a specific host address in the Address field, or “IP” to specify a
range of addresses with the Address and SubMask fields. (Options: Any, Host, IP;
Default: Any)
Address – Source IP address.
SubMask – A subnet mask containing four integers from 0 to 255, each separated
by a period. The mask uses 1 bits to indicate “match” and 0 bits to indicate “ignore.”
The mask is bitwise ANDed with the specified source IP address, and compared
Console(config)#access-list ip standard bill 4-88