Mitsubishi Electronics VS-45607 manual Illustration

Models: VS-45607

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Thecustom-fittedDiamondShieldisanextraprotectionfor yourtelevisionscreen.It hasaspecial tint thatenhancespicturecontrastandfilterscolorsto enhancepicturecolorquality.It canbe removedor installed,accordingto yourpreference.

ForVS-45607,VS-50607,andVS-60607,theDiamondShieldisanoptionthatcanbepurchased separatelyfromyourMitsubishidealerTheoptionalDiamondShieldisnot. manufacturedwiththe specialtint.


FormodelswheretheDiamondShieldisincludedin aseparatepackage,youcaneasilyinstallthe shield.CarefullyremovethemaskingpaperontheDiamondShieldThisisthecoated,scratch.- resistantsidewhichshouldfaceoutwardfromtheTV.Thenremovetheplasticsheetfromtheother


Wearcottonglovesto preventfingerprintson theDiamondShield.

Installation or removal of the Diamond Shield:

• To install optional Diamond ShieldTM:

remove the top molding clip with a small fiat head screwdriver, pressed into the opening at the upper corner (Illustration I)

remove the bottom molding clip, with a small fiat head screw- driver, pressed into opening at the bottom corner

after loosening corners, pull gently to remove

to install, insert shield by sliding it into the right side channel (Illustration 2)

gently press on the shield sides to bow the screen towards you insert the left side channel

install with the molding clips provided. Do not force.






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Mitsubishi Electronics VS-45607 manual Illustration