3460 Fast’R
Telephone Interface
The stand-alone modem rear panel has two RJ11 connectors, labelled
LINE and PHONE. Pinouts are as follows:
Modems That Support Two-Wire Leased or Dial Connections
LINE* Connector
Interface: RJ-11
Connection Type: Two-Wire Leased-Line or Dial Line
Pin Function
2 Telset Ring (Alternative)
3 Two-wire Leased Line/Dial-Line Ring
4 Two-wire Leased Line/Dial-Line Tip
5 Telset Tip (Alternative)
PHONE Connector
Interface: RJ-11
Connection Type: Telephone
Pin Function
3Telset Ring
4Telset Tip
*Pins 2 and 5 are disconnected in some units.
Pins not listed here are not used.