3460 Fast’R
About This GuideIntroduction
This guide describes the features, specifications, and applications
of the:
Motorola 3460 Fast’R Modem
Motorola 3460 Fast’R Plus modem
AccessWay Enclosure
Motorola Vanguard 3460 V.34 Daughtercard
Use this guide in conjunction with the 3460 Fast’R User Guide
(Part Number T0022-01) and the Vanguard 3460 V.34 Daughtercard
Installation Guide (Part Number T0020-02).
This manual is intended for operators and administrators of the
Motorola 3460 Fast’R and Fast’R Plus Modem and the Vanguard 3460
V.34 Daughtercard.
Special Notices
The following notices emphasize certain information in the guide. Each
serves a special purpose and is displayed in the format shown:
IMPORTANT: Important is used to emphasize any significant
procedural information.
IMPORTANT: Important est utilisé pour souligner des informations
critiques au sujet d’une procédure.
WICHTIG: Wichtig wird zur Betonung signifikanter Angaben zu
Vorgehensweisen verwendet.