3460 Fast’R
+FRM=nSpecifies the modulation mode, training time, and data
rate for received fax data without HDLC framing.
n Same options as +FRH
+FRS=nWaits for silence to be present on the line for the
specified time. It responds “OK” to the DTE when the
required length of silence has been detected or the DTE
sends a character other than XON or XOFF, which are
nn = ms.
+FTH=nSpecifies the modulation mode, training time, and data
rate for the modem’s transmitted HDLC data frames
(for control signalling).
n Same options as +FRH
+FTM=nSpecifies the modulation mode, training time, and data
rate for transmitted fax data without HDLC framing.
n Same options as +FRH
+FTS=nTransmit silence for specified time.
nn = ms. Stops transmission, waits for the specified time,
then responds to the DTE with the “OK” result code.

Configuration Commands

+FLO=nFlow Control
Selects the computer/modem flow control method.
0 None
+FPR=nSerial Port Rate
Selects the computer/modem serial port rate. This
parameter has no effect when +FCLASS=0.
1 2400 BPS
2 4800 BPS
3 7200 BPS
4 9600 BPS
5 12.0 KBPS
6 14.4 KBPS
7 16.8 KBPS
8 19.2 KBPS
Table 2-1. Fax Class 1 AT Command Set (continued)
Command Option Description
The characters AT or at precede all commands except: +++, #####, and A/
Default (pre-set) options are underlined.