message indicator 20, 21 message reminders 76 messages 45

missed call 32

missed call indicator 20 missed Calls message 32 MMS message 45 mode

flight 70 modem 56

multimedia message 46, 47 music 81


navigation key 3, 4 netowrking 56

number. See phone number numbers 22


object exchange 51 open

program 10

open program 10 operator hosted e-mail 37 optional accessory 11 optional feature 10

over the air (OTA) 54 owner information 76, 77


pairing (See Bluetooth wireless) PC remote 51

personalize 74 phone 24 phone number 17 photo 60, 80 picture 80 picture ID 32, 73 power key 3, 4, 15 priority 44 profile 26 program

open 10


received calls 31 recent calls 31 redial 32 reminders 76 remote control 51 remove program 30 reply 47

return a call 32

ring style indicator 20 ring style, setting 26 ring tone 81

ringer ID 32, 72 ringer volume 75 roam indicator 20

S security

lock 24

send and receive messages 41 send key 3, 4, 15

shortcuts 35

index 85

Page 87
Image 87
Motorola 9h manual Over the air OTA 54 owner information 76