82 - Getting More Out of Your Phone
Setting Up or Cancelling Call Diverting
Setting Description
IfUnreachable diverts if your phone is turned off or
not on a network
IfNo Answer diverts if you do not answer
IfBusy diverts if your phone is busy
Unconditional diverts all calls
IfUnavailable diverts if your phone is turned off, not
on a network, busy, or if you do not
Find the Feature M> Settings >Call Divert
Press To
1S scroll to the type of calls you
want to stop or start diverting
2SELECT(+) view call diverting settings
3S scroll to a diverting setting (such
as IfBusy)
4SELECT(+) select the setting
5S scroll to On or Off
Note: Query confirms this setting
on the network.
6SELECT(+) select the option
7keypad keys enter the diverting phone