Recent Calls

When you select My Info fro m other phones to view
its details, you see all the information sent.
If you receive My Info from the same phone more
than once, only the most recently sent version
appears in the rece nt calls list.
Contact Information From Other Phones
The recent calls list displays contact information
sent from other phones. This information comes
from the other phone’s Contacts list or recent calls
list. See “Sending My Info and Contact Information”
on page 96.
This icon d appear s with contact information o n the
recent calls list.
Contact information in the recent calls list displays:
The name containe d in the contact inf ormation
The Contacts type icon associated with the
number or address contained in the contact
information. If the item contains more t han one
number or address stored, <> surrounds the
Contacts type icon.
The name or BoostTM walkie-talkie number of the
person who sent the cont act information appear s as
a separate item on the recent calls list, above the
information sent. If one person sends you more than
one item of contact information, all the items appear
below the person’s name or BoostTM walkie-talkie
When you select contact information to view its
details, you see the name or BoostTM walkie-talkie
number of the perso n who sent the inf ormation and
all the information in th e item.
If you receive contact in formation with the same
name from the same phone more than once, only
the most recently sent version appears in the recent
calls list.
Viewing the Recent Calls List
With the Flip Open
1From the main menu, s elect Recent Calls.
2Scroll through the list.
To view the details of an item on the list:
From the recent calls list, select the item you want
information on.
Tip:To view the details of more items, keep