Operating the MC50 2 - 19

Resetting the Mobile Computer
There are two reset functions, warm boot and cold boot. A warm boot restarts the mobile computer by closing
all running programs. A cold boot also restarts the mobile computer, and also resets the clock. Data saved in
flash memory or a memory card is not lost.
Perform a warm boot first. If the mobile computer still does not respond, perform a cold boot.

Performing a Warm Boot

Press the reset button on the back of the mobile computer with the stylus.
Figure 2-17
Reset Button

Performing a Cold Boot

Hold down the Power and right scan buttons, then press and release the reset button located below the
battery release on the back of the mobile computer. Release the Power and right scan buttons
Locking the MC50
Use the Device Lock feature to prevent use of the device. Note that when locked, the mobile computer does
not respond to screen or keypad input.
To lock the device, tap the Device unlocked icon. The icon changes to locked.
Figure 2-18
Device Locked/Unlocked Icons
Reset Button