If you score more than 21 points, you go “bust” or lose.
If you get five cards without going bust, you win.
If you and the dealer have the same score, the dealer wins.
You can ask for a “hit” or another card as long as you do
not go bust.
As long as the dealer’s total is less than 17 points, the
dealer must continue to take a hit.


When the game begins, you are dealt two cards. Based on their
total face value, you can:
Your goal is to guess a secret four-symbol code. You play by
entering symbols into four spaces and then submitting a guess.


Your score is the number of guesses it takes to reveal the
secret code.
When you submit a guess, you are given clues that indicate
how many symbols you have identified correctly and how
many are in the correct position. The position of the clues


correspond to the location of the symbols.
= correct symbol in correct position
 
#6 (-) see the results of the hand
+ #" (+) request another card