6. Reboot both ends of the link Figure 96. The software is designed to allow five seconds so
that a user can command both ends of the link to reboot before the wireless link drops.
Figure 96 - Configuration Reboot Screen
14.2 Wireless Link Encryption FAQ 14.2.1 Encryption data entry fields are not available
Check that the correct license key has been inserted into the unit. The current license key is
displayed on the ‘License Key’ data entry page.
14.2.2 Link fails to bridge packets after enabling link encryption
If the wireless link status on the status web page indicates that the link is UP, and you can
browse to the local end of the link but not to the remote end, then check that the same
encryption algorithm and key have been entered at both ends of the link. Failure to enter the
same algorithm and key will result in received packets not being decrypted correctly.