Chapter 6: FaxFinder Client Software Operation
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF200 FaxFinder Fax Server Admin User Guide 115
To insert an automated field, you must click on the “Edit Box” button and then drag open a box at the
desired place on the screen. Typically, one would place the label of the category using the Static
Text icon first and then locate the Edit Box beside it. (The “Edit Box” button invokes the same
function as the “Field Text” command in the Insert menu.)
Static Text Icon Edit Box or
Field Text Icon
The FaxFinder supports the automated field types listed in the table below.
Field Type Source of Info Placed in Field Description T_FROMNAME FF Client Options screen Sender’s Name
T_FROMCOMP FF Client Options screen Sender’s Company Name
T_FROMPHONE FF Client Options screen Sender’s Voice Phone Number
T_FROMFAX FF Client Options screen Sender’s Fax Number
T_TONAME FF Client Contact screen or
Send Fax screen Recipient’s Name
T_TOCOMP FF Client Contact screen Recipient’s Company Name
T_TOPHONE FF Client Contact screen Recipient’s Voice Phone Number
T_TOFAX FF Client Contact screen or
Send Fax screen Recipient’s Fax Number
T_DATE client’s PC Date of Fax Transmission
T_SUBJ FF Client Send Fax screen Subject of Fax Message
T_COMM FF Client Send Fax screen Comment about Fax Message
T_TOADDR1 FF Client Contact screen Recipient’s Street Address
T_TOCITY FF Client Contact screen Recipient’s City
TO_STATE FF Client Contact screen Recipient’s State/Province/County, etc.
T_TOZIP FF Client Contact screen Recipient’s ZIP code or postal code
5. Select the “Static Text” cursor labeled N and drag to open the desired field.
To have freedom to move the cursor in a continuous fashion leave the Grid button, , in
the unselected position (its darker shade represents its unselected state). You can also turn the Grid
on and off in the Settings pull-down menu.