Chapter 5: FaxFinder Client Software Configuration
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF200 FaxFinder Fax Server Admin User Guide 71
FaxFinder Fax Client Software Menu Command Definitions (cont’d)
Field/Command Name Values Description
Fax Log tab
Recipient (column) Identifies recipient of each outgoing fax.
Time/Date Sent (column) day, date, time, zone
in the form
ddd mmm nn
hh:mm:ss zzzzzz
Indicates when each outgoing fax was sent.
Pages (column) integer Shows the number of pages in each fax.
Status (column) success,
unsuccessful- user
unsuccessful- no
dial tone,
Indicates whether each fax was sent successfully
or not and, if not, indicates reason for failure.
Commands accessed by
right-clicking on a
selected fax log entry
delete -- Cancels the selected fax log entry.
resend -- Resends the selected fax. The Fax Scheduling
screen will appear to set a time for the resending
to occur.
properties -- Brings up the Fax Details screen for the selected
fax. The Fax Details screen presents information
about the recipient, transmission status, cover
page, and original source file of the selected
pending fax.