Chapter 3: Server Installation
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF200 FaxFinder Fax Server Admin User Guide 26
e. Click the Login button. The Web Management Home screen will appear. From this screen, you can
access all of the FaxFinder Server software screens.
3. Setting FaxFinder IP Addresses
a. In the FaxFinder Administration screen, go to the IP Configuration fields.
Admi ni stra tion: IP Conf igur ationIP Address
Subnet Mask
Name Server
Default Gateway
Name Server
updat e
b. Fill in the IP information that applies to your FF200 FaxFinder Server unit. The fields for “IP Address,”
“Subnet Mask,” “Default Gateway” and “Name Server” are required. A “Secondary Name Server”
may be considered optional.
c. Click Update. After the Update button has been clicked, it takes 5 seconds for the FF200 to update
the addresses.