Chapter 8: Device Manager Installation & Operation
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF200 FaxFinder Fax Server Admin User Guide 149
Updating Firmware
When Update command is invoked, the Update [Device] N.N.N.N screen appears. From this screen you
specify which type of code (server, POTS modem, or, for FF110 or CF220, DID channel modems) to
update with which firmware file. From this screen, you can also identify the firmware versions currently
installed and initiate the update process.
Status Identifies the current condition of the device
(FaxFinder, CallFinder, or MultiAccess unit)
or the current process underway.
Progress Bar Shows how far the current process is from
File Name Lists name of firmware file to be used to
update the device (i.e., server firmware,
POTS modem firmware, or DID channel
modem firmware).
Browse button Use to locate firmware file to be installed.
[Device] update select Identifies which type of code (i.e., server
firmware, POTS modem firmware, or DID
channel modem firmware) to be updated in
the device.
Start Update button Initiates flashing of firmware.
Get Versions button Press for listing of versions of firmware for
the device’s server and modems.
main pane of window Presents status of the device (FaxFinder,
CallFinder, or MultiAccess unit) as well as
details of updating processes as they occur.