Appendix D – Linux Installations
Device Files
Because the TI USB driver does not use usbserial (to avoid known problems with usbserial) it uses its own device file names, /dev/ttyTIUSB0, /dev/ttyTIUSB1, and so on.
The device files are created automatically when the ti_usb driver is loaded. This is done by the module
You can change the device names that ti_usb uses. First you should remove the old device files by running
/etc/ti_usb/make_devices remove
Then edit /etc/ti_usb/make_devices. At the top of this file you will find the parameters DEVICE_NAME which determines the basename of the TI USB device files, DEVICE_COUNT which determines the number of device files created, DEVICE_GROUP which determines the group owner of the device files, and DEVICE_PERMISSIONS which determines the device file permissions.
For example, to create 8 TI USB device files named /dev/ttyusb0 through /dev/ttyusb7, owned by the uucp group, and having permissions 0660, change the parameters like this
After editing make_devices, run the script to create the new device files, like this
If you use devfs, the ti_usb devices will be /dev/usb/ti/0, /dev/usb/ti/1, and so on in the order they are plugged in. The ti_usb driver has not been tested with devfs.
Uninstalling the TI USB Driver (for 2.4 kernel versions)
If you installed the TI USB RPM package, you can uninstall it by logging in as root and running the command
If you installed the TI USB TGZ package, you can uninstall it by logging in as root and running the following commands:
make uninstall
You will need to give a full or relative path to the unpacked source file directory.
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