12.The engine oil pressure gauge (Figure 49) will indicate the oil pressure of the engine. Under normal operating conditions the oil pressure is approximately
15.Turn the main, GFCI, and aux. circuit breakers to the ON position (Figure 52).
Figure 49. Oil Pressure Gauge
13.The coolant temperature gauge (Figure 50) will indicate the coolant temperature. Under normal operating conditions the coolant temperature is between 165 and 203° degrees Fahrenheit.
Figure 52. Main, AUX. and GFCI
Circuit Breakers (ON)
16.Observe the generator's ammeter (Figure 53) and verify it reads the anticipated amount of current with respect to the load. The ammeter will only display a current reading if the load is in use.
Figure 50. Coolant Temperature Gauge
14.The tachometer (Figure 51) will indicate the speed of the engine when the generator is operating. Under normal operating conditions this speed is approximately 1800 RPM’s.
Figure 53. Ammeter (Load)
17.The generator will run until manually stopped or an abnormal condition occurs.