Before connecting this generator to any building’s electrical system, a licensed electrician must install an isolation (transfer) switch.
Serious injury or death may result without this transfer switch.
The Multiquip Model
This generator is powered by a HONDA gasoline engine. The alternator, a brushless
The generator is mounted on rubber vibration isolators that have a steel base backplate which is attached to the protective steel pipe carrying frame.The protective carrying frame is made of steel tubing and fully wraps around the generator to protect against damage.
This portable generator is supplied with a electrical control box. To reduce vibration caused by the engine, the control box is also placed on rubber isolators.
Control Box
The control box is provided with the following:
zThree 240V output receptacles (three phase).
zOne 120V output output receptacle (single phase).
zOne 120/240V output output receptacle (single phase).
zOne 120V output receptacle, GFIC (single phase).
zOne main 60 Hz (single phase) circuit breaker.
zOne main 180 Hz (three phase) circuit breaker.
zAC Voltmeter
zFull Power Switch
zIdle Control Switch
zOperation Switch
Excitation System
This voltage
zExcitation (diode 1)
zBattery (diode 2)
zSlow Down (diode 3)
The AC voltage will pass through the excitation diode that converts the voltage to DC power.
This DC power is then sent to the excitation windings housed within the main windings commonly called the "stator".
This voltage is then transferred into the rotor through induction.The rotor contains two diodes within it which rectify the DC voltage and send it out through the main windings, as AC voltage.
Figure 1 (page 11) shows the basic controls and indicators for the GDP-5000H generator.
In keeping with Multiquip's policy of constantly improving its products, the specifications quoted herein are subject to change without prior notice.